Hildebrand Real Estate Group

Melanie Hildebrand
Real Estate Broker
Melanie Hildebrand has been in the real estate business for more than 30 years, providing professional representation to sellers, buyers, owners, and tenants. Active in numerous professional and civic organizations, she is recognized in the industry for her consistently high productivity, reputation for innovative client services, and community and outreach orientation and leadership.

Kimberly Proctor
Property Manager
Kimberly Proctor has been a Property Manager for Hildebrand for 20 years. Managing client services across a far-ranging portfolio of properties, she is noted for her proactive approach to maintaining a synergistic relationship with tenants, property owners, and maintenance staff.

Kristin Girk
Licensed Real Estate Assistant
Kristin Girk is a licensed real estate broker and seasoned professional with over 25 years in the industry. A resume of success, often handling challenging and complex negotiations, Kristin gives Hildebrand a strong, trusted voice, and a source for dependable advice and counsel.

Gabriel Granados
Maintenance Supervisor
Maintenance supervision and management for properties under the Hildebrand umbrella is expertly provided by Gabriel Granados. Ten years with Hildebrand and a previous fifteen years in other property management milieus assures experienced customer service. Working in tandem with Kimberly in property management and a cadre of skilled contractors, maintenance services are a cornerstone agenda at Hildebrand.